A. For the classes LKG to VIIIth student who have attended recognized English Medium school and are able to receive instructions in english at their level,are considered for admission.Admission normally take place in march,On the basis of entrance tests and interviews.Application for admission are entertained only for the classes in which vacancies are anticipated.Registrations can be closed at any time at the discretion of the principal.

B. Transfer case like new Students coming into the city on transfer are considered for admission in the month of July ,subject to the conditions mentioned above.
REGISTRATION dose NOT guarantee admission,which will be subject to suitability and availability of vacancies.

Admission to the school is subject to the condition that consolidated fees for the year will have to be paid,if the student is withdrawn at any time later then the 30th of June
A Student will not be enrolled in any classes until the produces a Transfer Certificate fro the school last attended.The transfer certificate is needed to be countersigned by the district inspector of the school if the candidate is another state.

The Principal reserves the right to refuse admission without assigning any reason

Transfer certificate will be issued from the school on a payment of Rs.250/-Duplicate certificate will be issued on application and sufficient reason on the payment on the Rs500/-
Separate birth certificate is required and will be issued after verification,on a payment of Rs.100/-

A Child may be expelled from the school on the following grounds:
(a) Misbehavior with principal ,vice Principal,or any teaching staff of the school.
(b) Absence from the class for more than prescribed days.
(c) Against proven in disciplinary actions in the school premises or with the school student.
(d) Non Payment of School fee two consecutive months.

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